Thank you for giving Penny Paws the opportunity to serve you and your pet. Our goal is to help people by helping their pets stay healthy. Please have a look here at some of our more commonly asked questions. Send us an email at helping@pennypaws.com if we don't have it covered!
Where are you going to be this weekend?
Please visit our schedule page to see our upcoming locations. Click here.
Do I need an appointment at the mobile vaccine clinics?
No appointment needed – but those with one will be able to skip the line. and SAVE TIME!
How much are the shots?
Pricing is available by clicking here. Note that shots are even further discounted on the weekend compared to our affordable clinic during the week. Also, you will save from $30-50 from most veterinary clinics because we do not require an office visit for vaccinations.
I need a copy of my pet's shot records?
No problem! We know paperwork can be lost. Please email or call the clinic (817) 284-PAWS for assistance in getting a new copy. Or you can access our database. Click here.
Are you hiring?
We love people that love helping people and their pets. We also are really picky about only having the best, most positive and self disciplined people join our team. Feel like you'd fit in well? Give us a shout - we'd love to hear from you. See our careers page for more info.
Do you sell meds online?
You bet! We provide affordable medications for all of our customers on our awesome online pet medication center. Our prices meet or beat all the big chains, you get to buy from your vet and prescriptions are conveniently filled without any hassle on your part. Want to try? Click here for the best shopping experience ever! Prescription medications are for Penny Paws customers only.
Can't wait to tell us about your experience at Penny Paws?
We really are suckers for compliments ... Please pass them on. And yes, we do take constructive criticism also. Click here to leave a review.